Wednesday 12 June 2013

God of This City

I just have a short little thought tonight.

The packing has begun - and as I started shuffling through my belongings deciding what to throw away, what to pack away, and what to take with me the song God of this City started playing in the background.

I was reminded again tonight that God IS indeed the God of the city I am going to despite the spiritual darkness. He is in control. He loves the people more than I ever could. He is showing himself to his people even if they do not recognize Him.

Pray for India, friends. Pray for the softening of hearts. Pray for God to be seen.

Pray that hearts would turn to Jesus.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Whom Shall I Fear?

I love seeing God's hand in all things.

Over the past few weeks fear has started to creep in. When I really think about what I'm doing, the unknowns, and that I am a single white girl going to India - to be honest I get a little freaked out. But in these times where fear tries to settle in God proves his faithfulness to me again.

One day when I was struggling with one of these moments of fear I listened to the song "Whom Shall I Fear" by Chris Tomlin. The truth of the lyrics brought me complete peace I know who goes before me, I know who stands beside, the God of angel armies is always by my side. As I sat and let these words sink in it brought me to tears. My God is already in India. He has and continues to pave the way for my arrival. He is already at work there. He will protect me when I go. And my God, the same one who is in India right now, is also with me here. Right now. He is standing beside me, preparing me, and telling me do not fear for I am with you (Isaiah 41:10). So then whom shall I fear? No one. Nothing. My God, your God, is standing with us in every moment every where we are.

This trip is forcing me to trust in my God like never before. And so as I continue to trust and surrender this journey to Christ he is snatching that fear, throwing it away, and replacing it with comfort, excitement, and joy! So now as my trip sneaks up on me in just three short weeks I can honestly say that the fear is gone and all I am filled with is excitement! I am anxious to arrive and meet the beautiful children who I am blessed to spend the next six months with. Sure I may still not know exactly what all of this holds but I know God is faithful and I cling to that.

All you need to do is trust, my friends. God is with us. God is with you.

Do not fear.
